Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Beliefs: Our Religion


Talking about religion , first we should know what is religion...
     Religion, it is an organized system or institution of belief based upon the traditions of men and friendship or relationship with God , or it could also be the act of playing church, exchanging internal truths for external performance; substituting spiritual realities with carnal rituals.
     So base from the meaning stated above , it means that religion is our own beliefs , and these beliefs mainly include Gods and our relationship with them .
     Some of the common religions that I know , and is found in the Philippines are the following:
  • Roman Catholism
  • Islam
  • Christianism
  • Buddhism
  • Animism
  • Protestantism
  • Iglesia ni Kristo
  • Mormons
and many more ...

      I , myself is from a Roman Catholic Family . This religion is given or brought by the Spaniards during the colonization  , that's why almost 80% of the population of the Philippines . Some of the common traditions that our religions shows are Misa de Gallo, Black Nazarene procession, Sto. Niño festivals, celebrating Christmas , honoring patron saints and many more . The Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines is part of the worldwide Catholic church, in full communion with the Pope.
The Philippines is home to many of the world's major religious congregations, and today these include the Augustinians, Recollects, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, and the indigenous Religious of the Virgin Mary

     Being a Roman Catholic , we believe in one God and that is our Savior Jesus  Christ . We believe that He save and redeemed us from our sins , and will come again to save us and be with us in the judgment day.

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