Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Bestfriends forever wharever the weather" ♥


A bestfriend is :
  -someone who is trusted
  -someone who really cares
  -someone that you really love

 Lastly, A Best friend is someone who is the closest to our HEART. ♥

 We all have our bestfriend ..
And I just wanna share who my bestfriend is,,

She is ..............................

 Well, let me tell you our story to how we became best friends ..
Last July 22, 2011 ,(I don't know what time it is.. XD) , when we are about to go home from school , at the parking lot, she just called me "best friend", and since the day she called me "best friend", we then started to become bestfriends..

What a very long story , right?? XD

thanks for visiting my blog!

'til next time ... :D




My favorite Subject: MATH

We all have our favorites,..
Favorite color, clothes, drinks, food, and etc .. 
And today I just wanna share my favorite ....
subject and that is

is MATH .. XD

I really don't know, how did MATH became my favorite subject?!!
I know most of us really hate it .. but for me , i just love it , i love numbers .. 
I love it when I find myself challenged by the problems given by math .. 
But , it doesn't mean that I never get tired of solving ,, sometimes it's just worst... ><
But, whatever may happen , it will always be my favorite. WAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Beliefs: Our Religion


Talking about religion , first we should know what is religion...
     Religion, it is an organized system or institution of belief based upon the traditions of men and friendship or relationship with God , or it could also be the act of playing church, exchanging internal truths for external performance; substituting spiritual realities with carnal rituals.
     So base from the meaning stated above , it means that religion is our own beliefs , and these beliefs mainly include Gods and our relationship with them .
     Some of the common religions that I know , and is found in the Philippines are the following:
  • Roman Catholism
  • Islam
  • Christianism
  • Buddhism
  • Animism
  • Protestantism
  • Iglesia ni Kristo
  • Mormons
and many more ...

      I , myself is from a Roman Catholic Family . This religion is given or brought by the Spaniards during the colonization  , that's why almost 80% of the population of the Philippines . Some of the common traditions that our religions shows are Misa de Gallo, Black Nazarene procession, Sto. Niño festivals, celebrating Christmas , honoring patron saints and many more . The Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines is part of the worldwide Catholic church, in full communion with the Pope.
The Philippines is home to many of the world's major religious congregations, and today these include the Augustinians, Recollects, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, and the indigenous Religious of the Virgin Mary

     Being a Roman Catholic , we believe in one God and that is our Savior Jesus  Christ . We believe that He save and redeemed us from our sins , and will come again to save us and be with us in the judgment day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Vamos Zamboanga! : Asia's Latin City

Zamboanga City

     Zamboanga City on the tip of the peninsula that juts out of the bottom of Mindanao island in the southern Philippines -- is a delightful combination of history, culture, scenic beauty and economic potential.
Image Zamboanga is 142 thousand hectares of sloping terrain rising from a surrounding shoreline of coral beaches to mineral-rich mountains in the center of the peninsula.

     The town that is known as the City of Flowers boasts a profusion of colorful tropical blossoms, outstanding seascapes, cool highland retreats, verdant forests and magnificent underwater scenery.

Cruising the offshore waters on clear, breezy days are vintas, native outriggers with square sails of many designs and colors. Image Houses on stilts, inhabited by people from tribes that used to call the sea their home, line the shores.

     Cultural presentations depict traditional arts and dances, but the discos are also full of young people moving to the latest dance craze.

    Zamboanga is one of the oldest cities in the Philippines. Originally inhabited by the Subanon tribe, it became a Spanish outpost in the 17th century.

   The women are famous for their beauty.

Here are some of the top Tourists Spots in Zamboanga City:

Abong Abong Hills

Fort Pilar Shrine

R.T Lim Boulevard

Zamboanga City Golf Course
 Zamboanga Economic Zone and Freeport
Pasonanca Park
Skyview Park

Paseo del Mar

Yakan Weaving Village

Barter Market

Plaza Pershing

Zamboanga City, City Hall

For more of Zamboanga's Best, please also check out this website www.zamboangacity.gov.ph  . 
Thank you! ☺

-kimberly Ü